Litigation and International Arbitration

One of the characteristics of our litigation service is that we have been handling large-scale litigation. Among others, litigation for collection of debts involves quite large amounts of money, which sometimes amounts to ten billion yen. We have been representing Japanese leading manufacturers for product liability cases in which they are named as defendant.

Since we have been extensively dealing with litigation in China representing Japanese companies, we are quite familiar with practical issues in disputes relating to international litigation, such as jurisdiction, governing law, certification and/or notarization procedures, production of evidence, and matters involving service of process. We are also handling problems particular to the preservative disposition and enforcement. Further, based on our wide experience, we are able to provide precise legal advice from a vast point of view regarding what kind of litigation is the most favorable in order to win the case in China, or what kind of strategy can achieve the goal of the client in the most prompt and effective manner.

In the field of international arbitration, we have been dealing with large-scale arbitration cases between Japan and China at the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) (Beijing branch, Shanghai branch and Shenzhen branch), and have extensive knowledge on the procedure and trial at CIETAC.